An online shop of flea market treasures that I've hand picked, just for you! If you love it, you can pick it up out front!

About Me

Hi, I'm Beth! Thanks for visiting Pick It Up Out Front. With the last of my children off to college this fall I'm looking forward to downsizing my old house full of antiques and and one of kind things. I've spent many years combing auctions, second hand shops and flea markets looking for the perfect piece of furniture or home decor item to bring home.

With my sights set on more time with grandchildren and Hawkeye football games, I'm ready to part with my treasures. This is where you come in! I've listed all of my items with accompanying pictures and prices. If you would like to make something yours, just leave a comment. More information on how to buy is listed on this link.

Thanks for stopping by!


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